HRT - Hormone Replacement Therapy

In light of this new approach on medicine and our switch to a wellness-focused clinic, we are happy to announce our new service, bioidentical personalized hormone replacement therapy (HRT), through support and help of BioTe Medical. BioTe is a leading, cutting-edge leader in precision and preventive medicine.
Every patient has a different story, body composition, and health goals. There is no “one size fits all” in medicine. Through BioTe medical and Dr.Eftekhari extensive medical knowledge, our practice can create personalized, patient-centric strategies for both men and women that not only can improve hormonal imbalances but optimize hormones to age healthier, live better, and feel youthful and energetic through HRT.
How does bioidentical hormone replacement therapy work exactly? Dr. Eftekhari will look specifically at your main concerns, review your habits, assess and walk you through where your hormone, thyroid, vitamin levels are at and where they should be / how to optimize them, and create a personal, catered plan based on your specific body composition results. BioTe’s approach on hormone replacement therapy delivery is innovative and unique. Bioidentical hormones (those naturally made in the human body) are delivered through compounded medicated pellets through a minimally invasive procedure.
Say goodbye to daily oral supplements, injectables, or topical ointments for hormone replacement! Pelleting is done every 3 to 6 months depending on the patient and their gender. Pelleting delivery is consistent, effective, and shows longer term results than other hormone replacement therapies on the market. In addition, we provide patients with vitamins and nutraceuticals that will optimize a person’s overall health. At Nu Life Medical, we want every patient to feel their best, optimize their health, and live better for longer. Call us today (949-257-2315) to inquire about BioTe / Hormone Replacement Therapy Pelleting! It all starts with simple blood work to see if you are a candidate.
If you would like to know more about our new services, please visit the below links:
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement
Hormone Imbalance
Hormone Optimization
Pellet Therapy Benefits